Norwich Assembly Ball
Assembly House, Theatre Street, Norwich, NR2 1RQ

The Norwich Assembly Ball will be held at 7.30pm – 11.00pm. on Saturday, 15th November 2025,
The MC for the evening will be Rhodri Davies and the music will be by Purcell’s Polyphonic Party.

Downloadable PDF:
www.norwichhistoricaldance. Assembly-Ball-2025 poster.pdf
https://www.norwichhistoricaldance.org.uk.reverse flyer
Tickets are £25.00 per person, available from the end of April. Please check availability and book with Jeanne at: jeanne.simkin@yahoo.com or Tel. 07979 214301 Please pay by bank transfer where possible. Bank details: Norwich Historical Dance, a/c no:03444460, Sort Code: 30 96 17 Please use reference Assembly Ball and your name to identify payments.
Cheques payable to: Norwich Historical Dance and send to Jeanne Simkin at the address below.
Jeanne Simkin, 95 Hall Street, Briston, Melton Constable, NR24 2LG
Please provide full address and telephone number/email address. Tickets will be sent to you. Arrangements can be made for tickets to be collected on the door, however payment must be made in advance. Returns will be made on a discretionary basis only.
Ball goers are requested to dress in period or evening attire. There will be a 30 minute interval and a bar will be available through the evening, serving tea, coffee and soft drinks as well as something a little stronger.
Assembly House directions and information: https://www.assemblyhousenorwich.co.uk/
General information on Norwich: https://www.visitnorwich.co.uk/
View additional photos from previous Norwich Playford Balls
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