Home » Galleries » Shakespeare ShakespeareWilliam Kemp, a contemporary and associate of Shakespeare leaps the ‘muddy rut’ in the road during his ‘Nine Daies Wonder’ dancing from London to Norwich, in NHD’s presentation ‘Nine Minutes Wonder’ for the EDC Festival in Bath Will Kemp, accompanied by Bill Tuck’s pipe and tabor, demonstrates his Morris dancing skills to Maid Marion in ‘Nine Minutes Wonder’ The ‘citizens of Norwich’ celebrate Will Kemp’s arrival with the dance ‘Gathering Peascods’ Will Kemp joins in ‘All in the Garden Green’ A galliard performed in Wymondham Abbey as part of ‘Kemp’s Jig: Music and Dance from the Plays of William Shakespeare’, a fund-raiser for Priscilla Bacon Lodge in Norwich Hexachordia, along with Norwich Historical Dance, put on a performance entitled, ‘Kemp’s Jig: Music and Dance from the Plays of William Shakespeare’, at Wymondham Abbey which also included songs, poems and readings from Shakespeare as well as dances from that era. Getting ready to dance The audience join in ‘Row Well ye Mariners’